Filed Claim: Arland Bruce III v. CFL Entities


The Filed Claim in its entirety can be found HERE.

You will notice the very wide scope and various Defendants.  Certainly it will have to go through the process up in Canada however, it will definitely get some attention:

Like this from The Toronto Sun.

Or this from Twitter:

I would also like to add the follow video of the Commissioner;

Make of this what you will…

2 thoughts on “Filed Claim: Arland Bruce III v. CFL Entities

  1. Terry Metcalf July 17, 2014 / 21:14

    I played for the Toronto Argo’s 1978 -1980 and a couple of concussions. What is my next step in this process?

    Terry Metcalf

  2. phil colwell July 21, 2014 / 10:29

    how do I join in ??

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