Kutcher Concussion Talk 2011

Here is a video from YouTube of Dr. Jeffrey Kutcher titled “How to Minimize Concussion Damage”

Dr. Kutcher, M.D., is director of the Michigan NeuroSport Program. He spoke at Play Smart: Injury Prevention on and off the Field, a 2011 National Public Health Week “Live Injury Free” event at University of Michigan School of Public Health. His topic was TBIs–Traumatic Brain Injuries (concussions) among young athletes.

AAN Concussion Guidelines – One Stop Post

Here is the presser for the updated AAN Sports Concussion Guidelines; their guidelines are simple and to the point, via YouTube;

  • No Grading System of concussion
  • 10 day rest period – “key” – Dr. Jeffrey Kutcher
  • Greater risk if you have had a concussion
  • Addressing of youth and recovery
  • Helmets are not the full answer
  • Licensed Health Care Providers should be clearing
  • Repetitive head injuries are bad
  • The discovery and annotation of “Chronic Cognitive Impairment”
  • No single test, CLINICAL assessment
  • “Kids are not little adults.” – Dr. Christopher Giza

Here is the LINK to the Updated Guidelines (can someone give me permission to post it here?)

Here is the LINK to the Sports Concussion Toolkit from AAN

Here is the LINK to the Concussion Quick Check from AAN


What does this mean in comparison to the Zurich Statement?  That is a great question; both groups used “consensus” however this group is much more centered on American practices.  Both have similar approaches, both advise nearly the same thing; but which one carries more weight.  I have been told the AAN will be much more “powerful”, respected and learned than Zurich.

This is a good debate, regardless, there is ample evidence to sit kids and any concussed individual.  This statement also continues the wave of information that cumulative and repetitive trauma to the brain (still figuring out thresholds) is not good.  Based on this and the Zurich statement the only way that we can collectively abate concussions at this point is exposure limitation.  No where in that last sentence does it state “stop playing sports,” or “get rid of football”.

When dealing with the brain and the injury of the brain less is better, which is ironically simple and a “no brainer”.